Friday, June 17, 2011

I've been away!

Did you miss me?!?!...ha

Ok so yes it has been forever since I posted but I have had some great, fun and exciting things going on. First off I went to Salt Lake City, UT for training for my wonderful job that I love so much! It was so great. I learned so much but it was such a great opportunity to meet new people, hang out, tour the town, visit Temple Square, view magnificent sights, go on scavenger hunts, be in a talent show, go for morning hikes through the mountains, ate ALOT, stayed in the dorms and be on the beautiful campus of University of Utah. Oh and also walked EVERYWHERE for miles upon miles. It was great. I have some awesome pictures of flowers that I took to show you. I just think they are amazing. Sorry to you if you dont like flowers because you should!  :)

 Botanical Garden on the University of Utah. Serenity.


One of the buildings from the main campus at University of Utah. I love all the detail and architecture. It was everywhere you looked and went. Bravo to all who designed.

So since I have been home its kinda been non stop going. I have been spending a great deal of time with Matt and Stella whom I missed both very much. Summer has somewhat decided to arrive. I can't believe we are at the end of June and it seems like its April/May out there. Depressing. But we have been making the best of the nice days by going on walks and we went golfing this week too. First time in like 3 years. The most exciting news for me is that water aerobics have now started up again...I just love love love it. I could be a fish..seriously. Anytime I can be in the water I am one happy girl.

Also I started a quilt for a special someone in my life. Cant tell yet because it would ruin the surprise. It is coming around fairly fast and its an easier pattern. I am really hoping to get the top quilted by the end of this weekend and then I will post some pics of it. Its very fun and funky.

So its finally Friday and here is whats on my to do list for the weekend:

~watch Matt play softball-if its not rained out :(
~hang out with an old high school friend
~go to some of the local quilt shops and hopefully buy fabric for the back of my quilt
~get Stellas hair cut
~run some errands while we wait for Stella
~coffee/geek date with the hubs
~start and finish an apron
~finish my quilt top
~try and go for a few walks
~get the dust off my yoga mat ;)
~finish reading my book

Yes its a long lofty list but I am going to try and do it! I love challenges.

Oh also make sure to remember your dads on Sunday!!! Mine is one of the most important people in my life!!

And one last thing here is a picture of me and the man I am totally in love with :)

Have a happy weekend!

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