The past four days have been spent in Iowa visiting Matts sister, brother-in-law and our nieces. It was so great to see them again. We had lots of cuddling, tickling and play time with the girls. It couldn't have been any better.

Mel took me to one of her favorite quilt shops and spent a fair share of time and my money :) I could have looked in there for hours. I love going to local quilt shops. They are all so different. We ended up both getting a project to work on. I cant wait to see both of ours completed. I ended up buying fabric for a quilt I plan to make someone. Shhhh...can't say who because it would ruin the surprise :) I also picked up a couple new apron patterns and some fabric to make one of the new aprons. Yes I have an addiction to buying apron patterns and aprons in general. What can I say I love them :) Matt actually found a kids apron pattern for the exact same full apron I have been making. So I now have a pattern to make for those little ones too :) Hoping to make one to show you all. I have some other projects taking priority right now.
The days were also spent blowing bubbles, drawing with sidewalk chalk, playing hopscotch, dying Easter eggs, having an Easter egg hunt, and drawing. Matt also got to go fishing one day but well that didn't turn out so well. Very cold, winding and no bites.
Dressed up for Easter and Church. Aren't they so precious!
Our Easter was spent on the road all day to get back to North Dakota. It was so great to visit but feels so great to be home. Like they say there is no place like home. We didn't take Stella with because it was just too far for her. (Thanks to grandma, grandpa and uncle for babysitting :) When we walked in that door the excitement and love she gave us just melted my heart. She is our love. We also went on a nice walk and now I am looking forward to some cuddle time.
Happy Easter to you all! Hope you all had a blessed day.